Use HISE SDK Methods

Last modified 2024-01-03

Abbreviations Key
HISEHuman Immune System Explorer
IDEintegrated development environment

At a Glance

To read and download data to your instances, a handful of SDK methods are available in R and Python. There are also methods for storing intermediate files, scheduling notebooks, managing IDE state, and saving results or visualizations. 

Reader Methods

The following are a list of methods to read or download data onto your instance.


Method Name


hisepy.cache_files()Download list of files and do not load contents into memory.
hisepy.get_file_descriptors()Retrieves file descriptors based on the user's query


Read the contents of a list of file ids into a hise_file object Note: users should only use 1 parameter per function call


Read or search the SampleStatus materialized view.


Read or search the Subject materialized view.User should specify one or the other of subject_ids or query


Method Name


cacheFiles()Download, where possible, a list of file ids. Do not load their contents into memory
fileDescToDataframe()Convert a list of descriptors into a data.frame
fileDescToLabs()Convert a list of descriptors into a data.frame
getFileDescriptors()Retrieves file descriptors based on the user's query.


Read the contents of a list of file ids into a hise_file object Note: users should only use 1 parameter per function call


Read or search the SampleStatus materialized view.


Read or search the Subject materialized view.User should specify one or the other of subject_ids or query

Collaboration Space

The following are methods that deal with uploading results to the collaboration space.


Method Name



Returns a list of studies a user has access to


Uploads files to a specified project or study
save_abstraction()Saves a visualization template to the current account the IDE is in


Save a plotly object to a specified study


Load a plotly visualization that was saved to a study


Given a Dash app consisting of an entry point named '' and a list of supporting files, upload and deploy that app to HISE as a visualization in the specified study


Method Name



Returns a list of studies a user has access to


Load a plotly visualization that was saved to a study


Save a plotly object to a specified study


Uploads files to a specified project or study

Project Stores 

The following is a list of methods for interacting with Project Stores


Method NameDescription
delete_file_in_project_store()Deletes a file in the project store, so long as it is not other in use

Downloads a given file onto a user's IDE

list_files_in_project_stores()Returns information about what files are present in a given project store
list_project_stores()Lists all project stores a user has access to
promote_file_in_project_store()Mark a file in a project store to be promoted to the permanent store. Promoted files will not be listed in list_files_in_project_store()
undo_delete_in_project_store()Undoes the file delete action, so long as it is within the file's retention period
undo_promote_file_in_project_store()Undoes the promotion action, so long as the file has not already been moevd to the permanent store. The file will once again be visible via list_files_in_project_store()


Method Name


deleteFileInProjectStore()Deletes a file in the project store, so long as it is not otherwise in use.


Downloads a given file onto a user's IDE


Returns information about what files are present in a given project store


Lists all project stores a user has access to
promoteFileInProjectStore()Mark a file in a project store to be promoted to the permanent store. Promoted files will not be listed in listFilesInProjectStore()
undoDeleteInProjectStore()Undoes the file delete action, so long as it is within the file's retention period
undoPromoteFileInProjectStore()Undoes the promotion action, so long as the file has not already been moved to the permanent store. The file will once again be visible via listFilesInProjectStore()

Private Folders 

The following is a list of methods for interacting with Private Folders. 


Method NameDescription
create_private_folder()Creates a new Private Folder
delete_file_in_private_folder()Delete a file from a Private Folder
delete_private_folder()Delete an existing Private Folder
download_from_private_folder()Download a file from a Private Folder to your local working directory
list_files_in_all_private_folders()Returns a data.frame of all Private Folders and files that are within each
list_files_in_private_folder()Lists files inside a given Private Folder
move_file_in_private_folder()Move a file between Private Folders
rename_file_in_private_folder()Rename a file in a Private Folder
upload_file_to_private_folder()Uploads a file to a Private Folder


Method NameDescription
createPrivateFolder()Creates a new Private Folder
deleteFileInPrivateFolder()Delete a file from a Private Folder
deletePrivateFolder()Delete an existing Private Folder
downloadFromPrivateFolder()Download a file from a Private Folder to your local working directory
listFilesInAllPrivateFolders()List all folders that belong to this user and the files inside them
listFilesInPrivateFolder()Lists files inside a given Private Folder
MoveFileInPrivateFolder()Move a file between Private Folders
renameFileInPrivateFolder()Rename a file in a Private Folder
uploadFileToPrivateFolder()Uploads a file to a Private Folder

IDE Management Methods

The following are methods to stop or suspend a instance


Method NameDescription
stop_ide()Stops the active instance that this method is invoked from


Method NameDescription
stopIDE()Stops the active instance that this method is invoked from

Notebook Jobs 

The following is a list of methods related to notebook jobs. More detailed information on notebook jobs can be found here.


Method NameDescription

Clear the record of most recent job. This will not delete the job or have any effect on its status. Using this function will allow to to schedule another job.


Get the instance of a particular notebook job.


Schedule a notebook to run on a seperate, virtual machine instance.


Method NameDescription
clearNotebookJob()Clear the record of most recent job. This will not delete the job or have any effect on its status. Using this function will allow to to schedule another job.
getNotebookJob()Get the instance of a particular notebook job.
schedule_notebook()Schedule a notebook to run on a seperate, virtual machine instance.

Lookup Methods

The following methods can be used to find appropriate field names for querying, and unique values for each field name.  


Method NameDescription
lookup_queryable_fields()Returns a list of fields used for creating queries
lookup_unique_entries()Returns unique values for a given field


Method NameDescription
lookupQueryableFields()Returns a list of fields used for creating queries
lookupUniqueEntries()Returns unique values for a given field

Related Resources

Query SDK fileType