Schedule and Troubleshoot Notebook Jobs (Tutorial)

Last modified 2023-11-03

Abbreviations Key
h-snehierarchical stochastic neighbor embedding
HISEHuman Immune System Explorer
IDEintegrated development environment
sfsimple features (for R)

At a Glance

This article offers tips, tricks, and troubleshooting advice for executing code in a Jupyter notebook environment. It also explains how to schedule computationally intensive notebook tasks.

Navigate Your Notebook

To navigate Jupyter notebooks, try the following tips:

Troubleshoot Package Installations

Package  Error/IssueTips
sfLinux dependency issuesWithin an active Conda environment, enter the following command:
conda install r-sf
sfLinux dependency issuesIn your terminal, enter the following command:
apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y libudunits2-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev

Then try R installation.
CairoLinux dependency issues

In your terminal, enter the following command:
apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y libxt-dev libcairo2-dev

Then try R installation.

The accompanying table offers tips for troubleshooting Linux dependency issues with package installations. If you can't resolve the problem and and want to file a ticket, provide the notebook name, along with SessionInfo() and the instance name, in an email to

Sometimes a particular step in your analysis, such as a clustering algorithm, is more computationally intensive than other steps. You can use a regular notebook to execute the nonintensive tasks interactively, and schedule an asynchronous job to execute the computationally demanding task. Once the latter is complete, you can see the results and derive further insights in the Notebook Jobs view. For instance, you might review the results of a clustering task executed as a notebook job, and then generate visualizations of those results. 


Schedule a notebook job

1. Log in to HISE, and navigate to RESEARCH > IDE instances.

2. Choose any active instance, and click its title to open it.

3. In the side navigation, find the examples folder. 

A. For an example that uses Seurat, open the following path:


B. For an example that uses h-sne, open the following path:


Check the status of a job

1. Log in to HISE, and navigate to RESEARCH > Notebook Jobs.

2. Find the job whose status you want to check. To select it, click the radio button at left.

3. In the Ledger Output column, click process-report.txt.

4. In the Report links column at left, click Notebook Scheduler Report (txt)

A detailed report like this one appears.

4. Alternatively or in addition, you can see the JSON file for the entire process. Beneath the Process name column, click Full JSON

Related Resources

Use Jupyter Notebooks

Create and Manage an IDE